Iranenow (henceforth the Consortium) is established as a political consortium of decentralized autonomous organizations, civil societies, and independent students, to pursue the following goals.
Article I: Goals
The Consortium shall endeavor to:
  1. Facilitate extensive scholarly and empirical research on different frontiers of knowledge relevant to Iran’s future democratization, challenges and opportunities.
  2. Regularly conduct focus group research and ground research on the attitudes and demands of Iranian youths from across the country.
  3. Authentically present the demands and the position of the Iranian youths on the digital, national, and international space.
  4. Provide advisory guidance to Iranian scholars barred from education due to political activities, including assistance with student applications, research and Ph.D. applications, student and work visa processes, migration processes, funding, and scholarship applications.
  5. Establish an online educational institution, named Institute of Technology And Public Administration (henceforth IOTAPA), and a learning management system to enable the continued education of Iranian youths barred from education.
  6. Secure access to the internet for Iranian students with any means of monetary and non-monetary measures to bypass internet restrictions and blackouts in Iran.
  7. Support the Iranian struggle by technological enablement and streamlined access to information.
  8. Extend support to democratic opposition groups and civil societies in Iran aiming for a democratic transition.
  9. Echo the voices of Iranians to an international audience on forums, social media, and digital spaces of discussion and distribution of information.
  10. Analyze and investigate the mesh of challenges and prospects facing Iran between environmental degradation and technological innovations.
  11. Engineer and endorse a governance model embedded with the six core tenets of:
  • Iranian Secularism
  • Empirical Technocracy
  • Posthuman Condition
  • Civic Sovereignty
  • Green Growth
  • Woman, Life, Freedom Revolution
13. Assess solutions for the defense and protection of Iranian laborers from key industries undertaking strikes.
13. Utilize an AI decision-maker at the highest level of the organization.
14. Catalyze the formation of a cohesive secular democratic unity between grassroots civil societies.
Article II: Structure
The Consortium's organization consists of three autonomous components:
  1. Ordinators Council (OC hereafter)
  2. Research Chamber (RC hereafter)
  3. Activist Chamber (AC hereafter)
Article III: Membership Classification
  1. The members of Iranenow are segmented into three orders: Ordinators (آردآوران), Researchers (دانشوران), and Activists (آزادگان).
  2. Upon admission, the members receive a token on the consortium's Smart Contract
  3. Tokens determine the voting power of the member.
  4. Patron members can receive additional tokens depending on their contribution.
  5. Representatives and Directors of Civil Societies will receive a token per each proven active member of their society.

Article IV: Ordinators:
  1. Are members of the OC, the Political and Executive chamber of the Consortium
  2. Are limited to twelve Iranian academicians of exceptional contribution to Iranian discourse, criteria are determined by the board of trustees.
  3. Are responsible for maintenance of organizational security, coordination of press and social media efforts, coordination of development and outreach strategies, initiation of amendments to the smart contract and the constitution of the Consortium, budget allocation, appointment of senior researchers and junior researchers, agenda setting for RC and AC, directing advocacy missions, maintenance of the organizational structure, coordination of peer review and research missions, reviewing research proposals, instructional design of IOTAPA, generating decision-making prompts for the central AI system, and governance of the smart contract.
  4. Are nominated by active Ordinators from the pool of Senior Researchers and appointed by a simple majority vote of the Consortium.
  5. Can be dismissed based on discrepancies with the consortium's vision, loss of confidence by the board of trustees, or a simple majority vote of the OC.
  6. The treasurer is the collective vote of the OC on the smart contract;

Article V: Researchers
  1. Are members of the RC, the specialized Research and intelligence wing of the Consortium;
  2. Are limited to Seventy-two Senior Researchers and Three-hundred and sixty Junior Researchers.
  3. Senior Researchers are responsible for undertaking research missions, strategizing methodologies for research, directing research groups, evaluating the research process, reviewing research works, proofreading and editorializing research works, authenticating information in the research works, initiating research missions through proposals, evaluating the work of junior researchers, uploading findings and transcripts to the AI backlog, and selecting junior researchers for membership.
  4. Senior Researchers are appointed by invitation from the OC from the pool of Activists or recommendation of the board of trustees from the pool of Junior Researchers and approval by the OC.
  5. Senior Researchers can be dismissed based on discrepancies with the consortium's vision, gross misconduct, violation of academic integrity, loss of confidence by the board of trustees, or a simple majority vote of the OC.
  6. Junior Researchers are responsible for undertaking research tasks assigned by Senior Researchers.
  7. Junior Researchers are nominated by Senior Researchers from a pool of registered volunteers and appointed by the OC.
  8. Junior Researchers can be dismissed based on discrepancies with the consortium's vision, gross misconduct, violation of academic integrity, loss of confidence by the board of trustees, or a simple majority vote of the OC.

Article VI: Activists
  1. Are members of the AC, a Decentralized Autonomous structure that allows coordination between members of the Consortium and votes on all affairs of the Consortium.
  2. Are limited to Civil Society Representatives, Students enrolled in IOTAPA, Patrons, Volunteers, and Listeners.
  3. Are autonomous in their responsibilities towards coordination, networking, and other means of reaching the goals of the consortium.
  4. Are invited to the consortium following the completion of registration in the Consortium.
  5. The membership fee for Civil Society directors and enrolled students of IOTAPA is free of charge;
  6. The membership fee for Patrons and Listeners is determined by the quantity of their requested tokens;
  7. Each of the enrolled students receive one Token;
  8. Each of the Civil Society directors receive one Token per proven active member of their society;
  9. Have priority access to intelligence and reports of the RC.
  10. Can be dismissed by voluntary withdrawal from the consortium;
Article VII: Votes, Amendments and Meetings
  1. All voting is conducted per the guidelines of the smart contract, where each token is a vote.
  2. Project amendments are subject to majority voting by Junior Researchers.
  3. Broader objective amendments require a majority vote from Senior Researchers.
  4. The OC oversees the entire amendment process by the end of each meeting via motioning a vote on amendments.
  5. Monthly meetings ensure organizational alignment, with the OC and RC meeting on the 12th and the OC and AC on the 15th of every month.
Article VIII: Ancillary Ventures
  1. The OC supervises Mehr & Nahid merchandise and monetary flows.
  2. Volunteer members of the RC manage the Consortium's social media platforms.
  3. Social Media communities must be utilized as a medium of outreach and recruitment by the OC.
  4. The OC shall initiate the set of protocols to establish the Anjoman Iranenow (Assembly hereafter) at the appropriate time.
  5. The OC shall nominate a President for the Assembly, who shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the Consortium.
  6. The President shall nominate VP, Treasurer and Speaker to the Consortium, who shall be appointed by the OC.
  7. The President and cabinet serve a single term of five years.
  8. The Assembly is autonomous in its scope of activities towards attaining the political objectives of the Consortium.
  9. The Assembly's work is overseen by the Consortium.
Article IX: Logo and Symbol
  1. The trademarks, logos and symbols of the Consortium can be publicly used if by following the Trademark Policy of the organization.
  2. The flag of the Consortium shall be 1:2 Mehr & Nahid flag.
Article X: Financial Matters
  1. All streams of finance relevant to the consortium shall be accessible to the token holders;
Article XI: Data Protection and Confidentiality
  1. Regular training sessions on data protection and confidentiality will be conducted to ensure all members are well-informed of the protocols and their responsibilities.
  2. Every individual shall have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal data, and the organization shall facilitate these rights promptly upon request.
  3. All data collected shall serve explicit, legitimate, and specified purposes. Data collection will be relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
  4. Personal and sensitive data of non-anonymous members shall be accessible only to the Secretariats.
  5. All data entrusted to the Consortium shall be stored securely using contemporary encryption standards. Periodic reviews and updates will be made to ensure that data remains protected against evolving threats.
  6. No data shall be shared with external entities without explicit consent from the data's subject or unless required by law. Third-party entities, when entrusted with data, must adhere to confidentiality protocols comparable to those of the Consortium.
  7. Data shall be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. Upon the end of its retention period or upon the request of the data subject, data will be securely deleted.
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