Trademark Policy
To receive any of the logos & brands in SVG or PNG format, please contact us on the website.
1. General
The Iranenow Consortium holds a number of trademarks related to the Iranenow and NAHID networks. This Trademark Policy explains how you can use them when promoting different projects in the ecosystem. The aim is to maintain the distinctiveness of the trademarks while also encouraging the community to build and promote new projects in the Iranenow and NAHID ecosystem.

2. Registered Trademarks
The Iranenow Consortium has registered a number of trademarks to protect the names and logos of Iranenow, NAHID, Mehr & Nahid, and IOTAPA.

You can use the logos (below) and trademarks when referring to the Iranenow and NAHID networks and other official products and services provided by Mehr & Nahid.

3. Iranenow Community And Powered By Iranenow
The Iranenow Community logo represents the Iranenow community and the diverse projects within it. You can use this logo to identify your project as part of the Iranenow ecosystem and to show your support for the Iranenow community.

Looking for a project to join or a way to set up your own project? Register as a Researcher on our membership page.

You can also use the Powered by Iranenow logo to show that your project is built on Iranenow community members.

All these logos are a great way to highlight and promote the Iranenow ecosystem. You can use them on your website, product, or promotional materials, like T-shirts and stickers, to show your support for the Iranenow community.

4. General Rules For Using The Trademarks
When using the trademarks, please remember to follow these guidelines:
a) You may use the trademarks in your own project in the ecosystem provided that you comply with this Trademark Policy. By using the trademarks, you confirm your acceptance of this policy.

b) The trademarks may not be used for any illegal, untruthful, misleading, derogatory, or defamatory purposes or for any purpose that could negatively impact the reputation of the Iranenow Consortium, Mehr & Nahid, IOTAPA, or NAHID.

c) When using the registered trademarks of the Iranenow Consortium, please include a trademark notice in the description:
“Iranenow, NAHID, Mehr & Nahid Media, and IOTAPA and the corresponding logos are trademarks of the Iranenow Consortium ("

d) When using the trademarks in text, always use a capital letter at the beginning of the trademark, e.g. NAHID. The Iranenow wordmark should always be written in all capital letters: IRANENOW.

e) Always use the trademarks as an adjective, e.g. the Iranenow Consortium or the Mehr & Nahid Media Shop. Please don’t use the trademarks in a possessive form (Iranenow’s platform or Iranenow’s network). Trademarks are adjectives that specify a product or service.

f) Do not change the trademarks in any way and do not combine them with your own names or marks, or any names or marks of third parties.

g) Please don’t try to register the trademarks as your own, e.g. as the name of your own project or company. Registering the Iranenow Consortium’s trademarks in your own name is unlawful.

h) Only use the trademarks in a way that does not mislead consumers about the origin of the products or services. Unless you have received specific permission to do so, you may not use the trademarks in any way that suggests that you are an official partner of the Iranenow Consortium or that your project has been endorsed by the Iranenow Consortium.

5. How To Use The Trademarks
Use the trademarks to show your support for the ecosystem or that your project is built on Iranenow Community. You can use the trademarks in both commercial (for-profit) and non-commercial (non-profit) projects, provided that your use of the trademarks does not in any way suggest that your project is the Iranenow or NAHID network or token, or an official product or service provided by the Iranenow Consortium.

5.1 Other community projects
You can use the trademarks when referring to the official Iranenow or NAHID networks and tokens or the technical products and services provided by the Iranenow Consortium.

For example:
Creating a fan page or other information channel for the purpose of educating users about the Iranenow Consortium, stimulating developer or researcher discussions, and/or generally raising awareness.

Printing Iranenow t-shirts, hats, and other branded merchandise to be given away or sold to spread awareness about the Iranenow Consortium.

Designing and distributing marketing materials to advertise meet-ups, hackathons, conferences, developer workshops, or other similar events.

Using the trademarks in articles and news about the Iranenow and Mehr & Nahid Media. We welcome you to write news articles, social media posts, or technical reports that discuss different projects in the ecosystem.

However, please remember to follow the brand guidelines and this Trademark Policy and to add a link to the Iranenow Consortium’s official website, as well as a trademark notice to show that these are trademarks of the Iranenow Consortium. Don’t use the trademarks in a way that suggests that you are an official partner or member of the Iranenow Consortium unless we have agreed to that separately.

5.3 What to avoid
In any case, please:
Do not use any of the trademarks in any way that could give a false impression that your project is the Iranenow or NAHID network or token or that it has been created or endorsed by the Iranenow Consortium.

Do not use the trademarks as the name or logo of your own project, application, or company.

Do not modify the trademarks or combine them with your own trademarks or designs. Maintaining a consistent brand appearance helps everyone recognize the Iranenow and NAHID ecosystems.

When choosing a name or design for your project, avoid giving the impression that your project has been endorsed by the Iranenow Consortium or that it is offered by the Iranenow Consortium. Be creative and use a name and logo that distinguishes your project from others.

6. Disclaimer
Please review this Trademark Policy regularly to keep up-to-date with any changes. We reserve the right to revoke any permission and to change or restrict any use of the trademarks if we believe that such use is in violation of this policy or is harmful to the reputation of the Iranenow Consortium or the IOTAPA or NAHID ecosystem.
The Iranenow Consortium does not make any express or implied representations or warranties, including any warranties of non-infringement of any third-party intellectual property rights, and the Iranenow Consortium shall not be liable for any claims relating to the use of the trademarks pursuant to this Trademark Policy.

NAHID Protocol
Mehr & Nahid Media
Institute of Technology and Public Administration™
Iranenow Consortium | Iranenow Assembly
Darafš-e Kaviani | Mehr & Nahid
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